Restaurant Fun

On the Go with Kids?

How many times have you gone to a restaurant and your toddler is restless and running around?  For most, I would guess, many times! Since my oldest son was born, I have looked for simple ways to keep him occupied while eating out.This great writing book is based off of a post from

Craftify it.

I am a certified teacher and have worked with age 3-5 for the past 12 years teaching Georgia Pre-K. During this time I have learned many things about children's fine motor skills and the best way to introduce handwriting to them.

What you need:

4x6 index cards

photo album

dry erase markers


gallon zipper bag

You just simply slide them into a cheap photo album. For an eraser, use a spare sock that you can't find the match for. (What mom doesn't have a few of those around!) Throw every thing into a zip up gallon bag and you are ready to go (with entertainment).

WARNING: Normal dry erase markers do NOT come out of clothes. They now have washable ones; just make sure yours are washable, so they don’t ruin their clothes.

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